General Information
After School Arrangements
If your arrangements change after school please notify the school office of the change for Buses or if you need us to keep your child at school until you arrive. Preferably before 2.30 pm
Please phone the office 09 434 6867 if your child is going to be absent for the day. The secretary contacts all parents / caregivers regarding unexplained absences as a safety measure. You can also complete the online Report an Absence online form.
Collection of Students During School Hours
As the attendance of all students is monitored we ask that you inform the office first if you need to collect your child/children during school hours.
We no longer have a PTA as such, but for our big events such as AG Day, Community Dinner, Athletics we call on our families to help.
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, Hats
The school has a set of school t-shirts that are loaned out to pupils for events. Students are issued with black school hats that must be worn in Terms 1 and 4 as we are a Sun Smart accredited school —other hats/caps are not permitted during these two terms.
Kids Can
As a Kids Can school we can offer shoes, and jackets to our students at no cost to the family. See the office to place an order.
Swimming Pool
The use of the school pool facilities is offered to the community over the summer season. A fee is payable for a key. Key holders are expected to follow the rules set out on the outside of the changing sheds.
During the summer months, regular swimming lessons are taken for all classes. Swimming is part of the school curriculum and all children must take part. We require a note from you, as caregiver if your child is unable to take part in swimming. Adult supervision is compulsory at all.
Working Bee
These are coordinated by the Board of Trustees and are held regularly to provide the extra help needed to keep buildings, equipment and grounds in spic and span order.
Parent Helpers
We appreciate the generous support provided by you. At the beginning of each year and occasionally through our newsletter, we appeal for helpers to assist with:
Library maintenance
Sports coaching
Transport for trips
Making teaching resources
Putting resources / Books away
Art & Craft
Listening to children read

Please let us know if you can assist in any way, or you have skills that we can use in our programmes i.e. woodwork.