Ag Day 2022

This year for Ag day we made wooden vases with flowers.  We made crepe paper and normal paper flowers. For the vase we made a shape on the wood and cut it with the saw. [...]

By | 2022-10-02T18:04:37+00:00 29th September 2022|Classes, Room 1|

Ag Day Project

Hebel Block Carving by Jarred Today we finished off our AG day projects and we set up the classroom for AG day. Here is my AG day Hebel block carving.

By | 2022-10-02T18:17:44+00:00 29th September 2022|Classes, Room 1|

Garden To Table Kowhai Entry no 3

Kauri weeding around the marigolds Jethro sifting the pumpkin puree for the muffins and scones Kowhai's hanging pots finally up.   This week for garden to table Kauri in [...]

By | 2022-06-15T10:00:18+00:00 15th June 2022|Classes|

Hanging pots

Mrs J hanging the pot up. Kauri weeding the garden. Mixing the pumpkin puree. This week for Garden to table Kauri was in the garden,Rimu was in the kitchen [...]

By | 2022-05-04T10:36:03+00:00 4th May 2022|Classes|

Kowhai’s blog of the week

This weeks Garden to TAble REPORT from TeHina . Our plant pots and hangers are finally up in the front of the school. On Tuesday, Kowhai was in media crafts and Rimu was [...]

By | 2022-05-04T10:31:06+00:00 4th May 2022|Classes|

Shapes on A Table-Art by Room One

In Term One we learned about Three Dimensional Shapes.  We connected our maths learning into art.  This involved being able to draw the shapes and then create a 3D form by using VALUE (shading and [...]

By | 2022-04-21T13:33:34+00:00 21st April 2022|Classes, Room 1|

Garden to table

Weighing the rice bubbles for the Honey Rice Slice My painted plant pot               Today we did Garden to Table. I was in the media [...]

By | 2022-04-21T12:55:01+00:00 30th March 2022|Classes|
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