
    Missing her bag, Lola panicked, she had her bag a minute ago!! Suddenly she had an idea, she would ask the three Head Security Guards for help! She walked down the corridor and suddenly froze.  [...]

    By | 2020-07-08T15:15:21+00:00 8th July 2020|Classes, Room 1|

      Picasso Portrait

      Picasso Portrait by Lola This is a Picasso portrait I drew in class. We had to draw something that resembles ourselves so I drew my hair. We coloured them in with pastels. When [...]

      By | 2020-04-27T18:02:42+00:00 27th April 2020|Classes, Room 1|

      Learning to Code using a Microbit

      https://makecode.microbit.org/_i9T8H3Mby1vx This is a link to a name tag I created using code from the MakeCode Website. While you are all in isolation, I am taking the time to learn how to code the new [...]

      By | 2020-03-26T14:41:15+00:00 26th March 2020|Classes|
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