Our First Garden To Table Day

Tuesday was our first Garden To Table day also known as GTT. Rimu was in the kitchen, Kauri was in the garden and Kowhai was in the media crafts group in the library. In the library Kowhai ( my group ) started making hanging  planter baskets out of old yellow T-shirts. To start, the teachers cut them into strips and then we stretched them until they were stretched out. Then we got eight  strips  and we tied a big knot in them then we tied four smaller knots underneath. That is all we had time for. The group next week will continue them. We also undercoated some black plastic plant pots to put into the hangers. It was fun and I am looking forward to working in the kitchen next week. 

By | 2022-03-09T12:54:43+00:00 9th March 2022|Classes|

About the Author:

Hi my name is Lola. I'm a year 7 and have been at Poroti school for 5 and a half years. At school I like to ride the bikes and feed the chickens. At home I like swimming in our pool and playing soccer with my little sister and dog.

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