Room 2 Thinking Thursday 30 April – Mrs Grenfell

Good morning Everyone

Switch your “Thinking Brain” on and get ready for some FUN! Remember to ask an adult to help you if you get stuck with any of the challenges, or, pop in to our Room 2 Google classroom and I will be there to help.



We have all been in our own, special BUBBLES since 26 March 2020 to try and help keep us safe during the Covid-19 lockdown at Alert Level 4. Now we are at Alert Level 3, we still need to stay in our bubbles and take care in all we do. As you know BUBBLES are fragile (see if you can find out what that means) and heaps of fun too, so today’s challenge is…………. MAKE YOUR OWN BUBBLES

 You will need:

4 Tablespoons of water

2 Tablespoons of sugar

1 Tablespoon dishwashing liquid (I used Sunlight)

1 tiny drop olive oil

A plastic bottle to put your bubbles into

A bubble wand or create your own

What you do:

Mix it all together until the sugar has dissolved. Leave it for about an hour.

NOW – blow some BUBBLES!

Here are some questions to think about – you can talk about them with your family, or you could write the answers down and email them to me: [email protected]

  1. Who is in your bubble at home?
  2. If you could add 3 people to your bubble, WHO would they be and WHY would you add them?
  3. What do you notice about your bubbles you have made – colour, shape, size
  4. Are bubbles always round?
  5. Why do you think the word “Bubbles” was used to describe our spaces during Lockdown?


MATHS – Estimation



How many marbles are in my tub? There will be a prize for the closest estimation! (when we are back at school)

When you estimate, you make a THINKING GUESS!! Your challenge today is to get out all your books/dolls/cars/Lego/shoes/flowers on a bush outside and anything else you can think of. Put them in piles, then ESTIMATE how many you think there are. Next, you will need to count them carefully and see how many there really are. Compare your ESTIMATION with the ACTUAL number. Were you close? Perhaps you could take a photo and send it to me so I can put it up for the rest of the class to have a go.


Reading game

See if you can match these reading words on Starfall, then try out some of the other games.



By | 2020-04-29T11:34:39+00:00 29th April 2020|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Teacher, mum and nana, that's me! I love being part of sharing learning in Room 2 at Poroti School, where I work on Thursdays and Fridays and also do some relief teaching as well. When I'm not teaching, I knit, sew and crochet, read heaps of books and bake for my family. We have chickens, fruit trees, grow our own vegetables and live off the land in a chemically reduced way - eliminating plastic and toxic sprays. I also make my own soap and body care products.

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