Room 2 Tuesday 28th April – Mrs Booth

Welcome to Week 3!

And our first week at Alert Level 3, I hope you are all staying safe and looking after everyone in your bubbles!

As you know Tuesday is usually our day with Whaea Hoana, so today, I am going to share the Te Reo Maori alphabet song that we sometimes sing with her. You can practice this at home and when we get back to school we will all be superstars and she will be so impressed! I find this very helpful to practice the vowel sounds a, e, i, o, and u. Enjoy!

Maths Game!

Try this game called ‘First to 100

You will need:

  • A pack of playing cards (some were sent in your home learning box),
  • A sheet of paper to record your score, and
  • Someone to play with.

How to play:

  1. Shuffle the cards and leave them in a pile, face down.
  2. Take turns flipping over a card.
  3. Each card you turn over is added on to your total which is recorded on your paper (Picture cards are worth 10)
  4. First person to 100 wins!


  • To make it easier you could change the game to ‘First to 20’ or another number that suits.
  • To make it more challenging you could change the game to ‘First to 200’ etc or start at 100 and subtract the cards until you get to 0.
  • ‘Snap’ is also a great game to play for number recognition. If you want to make it slightly more challenging you can try ‘snapping’ without your hands

I am the current champion so if anyone would like to challenge me to a game today, you can find me in Room 2’s Google Classroom 😉

Writing Challenge!

Do you have any pets at home? Today I would like you to write about your pet. If you don’t have a pet at home you can write about a pet that you would like to have. I wrote a story about my cat Jasper.

On the concrete outside our house, our cat Jasper lies in the sun. Lazily opening his eyes, he rolls over, stretches his four legs and swishes his tail from side to side as I walk past. He watches me with his green eyes and his mouth stretches wide into a huge yawn. He can’t be tired, he’s been sleeping all day! Slowly, Jasper gets to his feet and follows me back inside the house, heading straight for his food bowl. Jasper is the laziest cat in the world. Go catch a mouse!

by Mrs Booth

Can you write some sentences about your pet? Start your sentences with a capital letter and finish them with a full stop.

Can you spot my ‘ly start’ sentences?? If you would like to give it a go, see if you can add one into your own writing. If you would like an added challenge, see if you can include the following words into your writing about your pet…

  • enormous
  • holiday
  • sparkling
  • terrifying

I can’t wait to read what you come up with! Feel free to start with a picture of your pet if that will help you plan your writing. Made up stories are totally fine! Remember “1, 2, 3. Does this sentence make sense to me?” Read your writing back to yourself or someone else at home to make sure.

Have a great day!

By | 2020-04-27T19:38:34+00:00 28th April 2020|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Hi Team. I am Mrs Booth and I teach in the Junior Classroom on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My family includes my lovely husband Andrew, our two daughters Tamsyn and Hannah, our dog Jade and our cat Jasper. We live on a dairy farm in Titoki and love our rural lifestyle. I am committed to providing positive learning experiences and opportunities for students to be the best versions of themselves. I am very thankful to be a part the wonderful Poroti School Community.

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