Friday 24 April-Mrs Pye’s Work


Read my clues to this fairy tale here.  Email me the character you think it is.

Think of a character in a fairy tale.  Write down 8 clues about your character and email it to me to guess who your character is


Learn a timestable.  Make flashcards of all the x and ÷ facts like the ones at school. Be ready for testing next week.

EVERYONE MUST complete at least 3 tasks on studyladder.  If you need help you MUST come into the classroom to see me.


Year 7&8 there is a task on Google Classroom assigned to you to complete. Make sure you press the TURN IN button on the worksheet doc so I can mark it.

Exploration-Memory Game

Gather 15 random objects from around the house or the garden that fit on a tray or box.

Look at them very carefully for about 30 seconds then cover up the tray with a napkin or cloth.

Write down all the items you can remember? Now try the memory game with someone else from your family. How many did they remember?

Look at the objects, then close your eyes and let someone remove (take away) one object and then see if you can tell them what it is.

Assembly 2PM Friday. Mrs Pye’s Class.  


By | 2020-04-23T17:53:33+00:00 23rd April 2020|Room 1 Home Learning|

About the Author:

I teach part time in the senior school. I am passionate about good quality teaching and engaging students. In my spare time I like to spend time with the family, especially on the boat or biking. I also like to run.

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