Room 2 Monday 20th April – Mrs Booth

Morena Team!

I hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Welcome to Week 2!

Your tasks for today, should you choose to accept them, begin with…

An Alphabet Hunt!

Have a look around your house and find all the letters of the alphabet in order. You could try looking in the pantry, the newspaper, the garage, books, anywhere there are letters. Feel free to email me pictures of the strangest places you find letters. If you are having a bit of trouble remembering the order of the alphabet there are alphabet cards in your home learning box that look like this…

If you want an additional challenge, see if you can find both the Uppercase and Lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Happy Hunting!

Writing Challenge!

Yesterday my daughter Hannah asked if she could have a peanut butter, mayo and lettuce sandwich for lunch!! I thought to myself, peanut butter, mayo and lettuce, that’s an interesting combination! So I was wondering what crazy sandwich filling combinations you could come up with??

Draw a picture of your crazy combo sandwich and underneath write about it.

Some ideas…

  • Can you tell me what is in your sandwich?
  • Have you tried it before?
  • How did it taste?
  • Do you think anyone else would like to try it?
  • Who would you serve it to for lunch?

I can’t wait to see what you come up with! Email your writing to me, if your sandwich looks and sounds tasty, I might have to try making it myself!

Wheels Challenge!

Time to go outside! Find yourself something with wheels, a bicycle, scooter, skateboard, wheely shoes and see how many laps you can do around your house or up and down your driveway. Remember to stay safe, watch out for vehicles and other people!


Have a great day!



By | 2020-04-19T18:56:30+00:00 20th April 2020|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Hi Team. I am Mrs Booth and I teach in the Junior Classroom on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. My family includes my lovely husband Andrew, our two daughters Tamsyn and Hannah, our dog Jade and our cat Jasper. We live on a dairy farm in Titoki and love our rural lifestyle. I am committed to providing positive learning experiences and opportunities for students to be the best versions of themselves. I am very thankful to be a part the wonderful Poroti School Community.

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