Room 1 Mrs J’s Monday Tasks

Good morning Room 1.  


Monday 20 April 2020

  • Writing Challenge – Mad Monday 
  • Traditions 
  • You tube – Grassroots Heroes 
  • Maths / Art – Geometry Shape Hunt 
  • Quick Bites – These activities are the easier options! 


  • Choose your activities from Quick Bites or Learning
  • Can be done in any order 
  • Do as many as you like 
  • Can carry over until Tuesday  or Wednesday 
  • Email me or come into my Google Meet room – find link on Mrs J’s Google classroom page  
  • Have fun with your learning.  

Quick Bites 

  • Read a book from your box or home 
  • Play a card game (cards from boxes) or use for Maths adding or multiplying facts 
  • Choose activity from the worksheets in your boxes. 
  • Alphabet Thinking Key:  Write down the letters of the alphabet A – Z. Find things in your home (bubble) that begin with each letter e.g. J – jug, jam, jelly packet

Learning from Mrs J:

Writing Challenge for the day:  Writing Challenge Monday 

Click on link to go to the challenge,  and let’s get writing.   I’m waiting to read your stories. EMAIL THEM TO ME. 

Topic: Carrying on from Celebrations and Traditions looking at our family culture try the following task:

TRADITIONS: This task may take more than one day. 

  • Choose a tradition that you have in your family or one that you can remember  e.g. Easter, Haircutting, Christmas, Birthdays . Some ideas to include.  
  • Who started it or how did it start (history of the tradition)? 
  • What is the tradition and how does it work in your family? 
  • When does this tradition happen in your family?
  • Add photos or drawings of this tradition taking place.
  • What do you like about this tradition?
  • What changes would you make to this tradition if you could or would?
  • Is this tradition just for your family or do you think other people have this tradition? 

    My tradition:  Sunday dinners at Granny’s place. 

    For as long as I can remember my family and I went to my Grandma’s (Granny’s) house for dinner every Sunday without fail. I did this until I left home at the age of eighteen.  

      Granny cooked dinner for us all. It was usually a roast dinner and she made us ice cream and jelly for dessert.  Because we were a big family we did not get dessert very often this was one of the reasons we enjoyed this time. Another part of this tradition was sitting and watching her black and white TV. At six o’clock we watched ‘The Wonderful world of Disney.’  This was great because we did not have a TV at our house. 

    After Granny died we continued to have roast dinners at our house every Sunday, and for a long time I continued this with my own family. 

    I really liked this tradition as it was a time for my family to all get together, and I got to watch TV! Yes only once a week and in Black and White! 

    I know that when I was young lots of families would have a roast dinner on a Sunday.  It was a special family time when everyone got together.  

    I would not change the tradition of Sunday dinners at my Granny’s house in any way, but now I am writing and thinking about that family tradition  I just might revive this tradition back to my family.  It brings back so many great memories for me.  

    I look forward to hearing about your traditions 

    YOU TUBE – GRASSROOTS HEROES: With all this Covid-19 talk there are people out there and some will be in your lives that are heroes- not the caped variety- but people just like us.   This is a THINKING activity. 

  • Watch the youtube video.  During the youtube video think and TALK about the following  with someone in your bubble, call someone  or contact me: 
  • What does the word Hero mean to you?
  • Where is Wuhan and what do you know about Wuhan?
  • Name the jobs the ‘heroes’ did.
  • Why do you think she walks an hour a day to walk – can you think of two reasons?
  • Why would the boy tell his father he is proud of him?
  • What do they mean by ‘Grassroots heroes?’

Can you think of  some ‘Grassroots heroes’ that we have in New Zealand during this time, or that you know? 

What makes them heroes? Send me a summary with bullet points of the Key Points you talked about.  


Walking around inside and outside your house how many 2D and 3D shapes can you find?

Look closely, look in your bedroom, the kitchen cupboards, wallpaper, fences. Shapes are everywhere, we just need to LOOK and observe closely. Sort them into 2D and 3D as you go on your hunt.  How many can you find that are different?

Name them.      Draw them.     Say where you found them.   What was the most interesting shape that you found.  Share with us.  

Click on the link and write down up to three shapes that you found.  This is a new tool (AnswerGarden) that I am trying.Click   here

By | 2020-04-19T12:38:03+00:00 19th April 2020|Home Learning, Room 1 Home Learning|

About the Author:

I am the Teaching Principal of this amazing Kura of Poroti. I have been at Poroti for fourteen years. We have an awesome community involved in the teaching and learning of our tamariki. I enjoy playing hockey and walking with my husband Graeme for fitness. I enjoy the teaching aspect of my job, and love Science.

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