Jethro’s poppy pancakes!

Thursday 16 April

Jethro has been reading and following the pancake recipe in the mornings, and this morning we were talking about making poppy’s and he thought, “I know, I’ll just cook one in the pan!” so that’s what he did…


By | 2020-04-16T12:55:14+00:00 16th April 2020|View Children's Home Learning|

About the Author:

Teacher, mum and nana, that's me! I love being part of sharing learning in Room 2 at Poroti School, where I work on Thursdays and Fridays and also do some relief teaching as well. When I'm not teaching, I knit, sew and crochet, read heaps of books and bake for my family. We have chickens, fruit trees, grow our own vegetables and live off the land in a chemically reduced way - eliminating plastic and toxic sprays. I also make my own soap and body care products.

One Comment

  1. Mandy Pye
    Mandy Pye 16 April 2020 at 2:40 pm - Reply

    Looks delicious Jethro! Was it a good excuse to have chocolate chips for breakfast?

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