Tasks for Thursday 16 April 2020 from Mrs Grenfell

Autumn Art

This art uses natural objects from around your garden. Go on a nature hunt and find things to create a piece of land art.

What can you make? A dinosaur, a bird, an imaginary creature or create an amazing pattern.

When you’ve done it, you could take a photo and email it to me and I can put it on our Room 2 Home Learning page.



Write a letter or make a card for someone you haven’t seen for a while. Find out how they are doing in their bubble during lockdown. Tell them what you’ve being doing with your family.

GluedToMyCraftsBlog.com has this cool handprint card.




Choose a book from your pack or read your own favourite book in a funny place – under the table, under a tree (if it isn’t raining), on a log or sitting on your bike. What other funny places can you think of?

By | 2020-04-15T10:21:54+00:00 14th April 2020|Room 2 Home Learning|

About the Author:

Teacher, mum and nana, that's me! I love being part of sharing learning in Room 2 at Poroti School, where I work on Thursdays and Fridays and also do some relief teaching as well. When I'm not teaching, I knit, sew and crochet, read heaps of books and bake for my family. We have chickens, fruit trees, grow our own vegetables and live off the land in a chemically reduced way - eliminating plastic and toxic sprays. I also make my own soap and body care products.

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